Emergency Phone Numbers
Inside the US: 1.800.498.5923
Outside the US: +1.651.632.6784
Safety Data Sheets
Product | U.S.A. | European Union |
Dragonfly II ™ | Octenol Lure (PDF) | |
Dragonfly ™ | Octenol Lure (PDF) | Octenol Lure (PDF) |
Mosquito 'Cognito | Mosquito Cognito (PDF) | Conceal Cartridge (PDF) |
Conceal Candle | Conceal Candle (PDF) | Conceal Candle (PDF) French language version Italian language version |
Mosquito L (bulk) | Mosquito L (PDF) | |
Linalool (bulk) | Linalool SDS (PDF) | Linalool (PDF) |
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